Love in action for the benefit of God’s people

Reformation Sunday

Youth Group
Youth Group meets every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. to plan activities and enjoy time together.

The Youth contributed to a Warming Tree event in a New Britain city park. We decorated a fir tree with hats, gloves, scarves and socks donated by our congregation. We participated in a city-wide neighborhood cleanup; we volunteered for a Children’s Harvest Festival at a local orphanage; we help with our church’s Clothing Rack and Polar Express event.  We are joining with another church to collect back packs for kids going back to school in the fall. Our special activity is assembling Blessing Bags that our church provides to homeless people.  We add our own personal notes of encouragement.

Our group view $5.00 movies; have “Lock-Ins” (sleepovers that include snacks and games); and we like pizza parties with make-your-own sundaes. We walk downtown to visit Dunkin’ Donuts, a cupcake shop, and the Dollar Store. We took the train to tour the Capitol in Hartford and tried out the Hartford to New Britain busway. Our fund raisers include a pancake breakfast and cookie sale.  We are currently working on setting up a youth room just for us in our church building.

We are learning to knit. We are planning to take a baby-sitting course so we can help out our families with young children. We want to invite other area youth to a Stranger/Danger program that the New Britain Police Department would conduct. We have also ordered materials from Re:Form/Sparkhouse, a publisher that provides print materials and CDs that talk about the challenges youth face today. After reading the materials and viewing the CDs, we will have teen talk discussions about the information we have read and viewed.