Love in action for the benefit of God’s people

Wednesday Contemporary Service

Wednesday ‘Come as you are’ contemporary service

This is an informal, contemporary mid-week service that precedes our weekly Pasta Supper. The one-half hour service consists of prayers, songs, a bible reading and a meditation.  Everyone is invited to “come as you are.” No need to get dressed up, just show up and experience a down to earth worship and fellowship with neighbors and friends. Consider staying for the free Pasta Supper that follows.

Pasta Suppers

First Lutheran Church of the Reformation holds a community supper each Wednesday at 6:00pm. The supper is free for all who come. Many of our guests are from nearby homeless shelters and low-income senior housing, while others live in tents or on the street. Young families bring their children to this weekly event. Before the penne pasta, which is served with a homemade sausage meat sauce, a tasty garden salad is served with bread slices and butter. Pasta and desserts are often donated by church and community members.

Such a meal takes many hands to prepare and serve. We are grateful to our faithful teams of volunteers from the congregation and supportive community friends.