Love in action for the benefit of God’s people
First Lutheran Church of the Reformation

First Lutheran Church of the Reformation

Worship times:
We invite you to come and worship with us:
Sunday morning worship begins at 9:00 am
Sunday School for children age 3 to 12 begins at 10:30 am
Wednesday ‘Come as you are’ service begins at 5:15 pm

Parking: The main parking lot is located to the right of the church. Several handicapped-restricted parking spots are available close to the main building’s lower entry doors. Additional parking is available to the rear of the church and is accessible from Glen Street, next to the YWCA building. To the left of the church on Franklin Square there is additional parking for access to the church offices and the church.

Handicapped Accessibility: Enter the Fellowship Hall door off the north parking lot. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left and walk to the elevator which will take you to the sanctuary.