Love in action for the benefit of God’s people


Sunday schoolSunday School
Children are vital in the life of the church. Jesus said “Let the children come to me.” We follow this example by teaching youngsters that our Savior loves them unconditionally. Throughout the year our children are introduced to various Bible stories from the Old and New Testament and shown how they relate to their daily lives. They learn the Lord’s Prayer and are prepared to receiving Holy Communion. These hour long sessions are designed to hold the children’s interest with a lot of hands-on projects.

Weekly, children are also invited to come forward during congregational worship for a children’s message geared toward their age level.

Confirmation instruction is also called “Affirmation of Baptism”. This two year program is for youth entering high school or 13 years old. Our curriculum addresses contemporary issues, creeds and scriptural themes from the Old and New Testament, biblical study, community outreach and fun activities. We encourage discussion and hands-on service projects as part of this program. The class meets in the church library.

Adult Education
All are welcome to come to either or both Adult Bible Studies. No prior knowledge is necessary.

Presently we offer two Bible Studies – one that meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7 am at Paradise Pizza, New Britain. Over breakfast we have studied David, warrior and king, shepherd and poet, a man of deep faith yet flawed, and a troubled family man. More recently we studied some of the sayings of Jesus, his teaching, his responses to his critics, and his “I am” discourses found in the Gospel of John.

A second Bible study meets each Thursday morning at 10 am in our church library. In the past months’ we studied women of the Old Testament, the social and cultural environment of their time and how they served as instruments of God’s plan.

We also looked at Paul’s letters to the churches, the formation/formulation of Pauline theology, his troubles with those who taught a doctrine at odds with his own and different situations that each church needed to address. We talk about the similarities of early Christians and today’s Christians (ourselves included) and how much we have in common.